Change Log
: "Logo" | added deprecation warning to documentation pageDoc
: "Header" | added deprecation warning to documentation page
: "Motion" | Example of section scrolling animation changed
: "Typography" | Line height calculation is added to our workflow section
: "Effect" | Fixed explanation of the browser focus setup
: "Setup" | Added Sketch smart links- "Icons" | Videoplayer (16): skip-ahead-15-seconds, skip-ahead-circle, skip-back-15-seconds, back-circle, mute, next-circle, pause-circle, play-circle, skip-back-circle, stop-circle, unmute, nextalt, pausealt, playalt, skipalt, stop_alt
: "Header" | Added text-style information for language navigation
: "Grid system" | Clean up the documentation for the right structure and sentence caseDoc
: "Spacing" | Clean up the documentation for the right structure and sentence caseDoc
: "Setup" | Clean up the documentation for the right structure and sentence caseDoc
: "Color" | Clean up the documentation for the right structure and sentence caseDoc
: "Favicon" | Clean up the documentation for the right structure and sentence caseDoc
: "Key visual" | Clean up the documentation for the right structure and sentence caseDoc
: "Motion" | Clean up the documentation for the right structure and sentence caseDoc
: "Typography" | Clean up the documentation for the right structure and sentence caseDoc
: "Accordion" | Clean up the documentation for the right structure and sentence caseDoc
: "Alert" | Clean up the documentation for the right structure and sentence caseDoc
: "Badge" | Clean up the documentation for the right structure and sentence caseDoc
: "Badge" | Changed vertical spacing methodDoc
: "Banner" | Clean up the documentation for the right structure and sentence caseDoc
: "Breadcrumb" | Clean up the documentation for the right structure and sentence caseDoc
: "Button" | Clean up the documentation for the right structure and sentence caseDoc
: "Card" | Clean up the documentation for the right structure and sentence caseDoc
: "Cookie Alert" | Clean up the documentation for the right structure and sentence caseDoc
: "Flash-Bubble" | Clean up the documentation for the right structure and sentence caseDoc
: "Flash-Corner" | Clean up the documentation for the right structure and sentence caseDoc
: "Flash-Frame" | Clean up the documentation for the right structure and sentence caseDoc
: "Flash-Marker" | Clean up the documentation for the right structure and sentence caseDoc
: "Footer" | Clean up the documentation for the right structure and sentence caseDoc
: "Form" | Clean up the documentation for the right structure and sentence caseDoc
: "Header" | Clean up the documentation for the right structure and sentence caseDoc
: "Pagination" | Clean up the documentation for the right structure and sentence caseDoc
: "Popover" | Clean up the documentation for the right structure and sentence caseDoc
: "Slider button" | Clean up the documentation for the right structure and sentence caseDoc
: "Sticky bar" | Clean up the documentation for the right structure and sentence caseDoc
: "Tab" | Clean up the documentation for the right structure and sentence caseDoc
: "Teaser" | Clean up the documentation for the right structure and sentence case
: "Badge" | Fixed links for small, basic and large text styles
: "Motion" | Brand new: The topic of motion was viewed globally and serves as an orientation for motion effects in every digital environment
: "Header" | Updated flyout descriptionDoc
: "General" | Readme file with new contacts
: "Flash-Marker" | The height measurement is obsolete
: "Alert" | Preview example images have been fixed
: "Accordion" | Added description: Text length ends with ellipsisDoc
: "Banner" | Added more detailed information to banner documentationDoc
: "Flash-Bubble" | New description for bubble elementDoc
: "Flash-Corner" | New description for corner elementDoc
: "Flash-Frame" | New description for frame elementDoc
: "Flash-Marker" | New description for marker element
: "Flash-Bubble" | Deleted Info (positive), Secondary (positive)Doc
: "Flash-Corner" | Deleted Info (positive), Secondary (positive)Doc
: "Flash-Frame" | Deleted Info (positive), Secondary (positive)Doc
: "Flash-Marker" | Deleted Info (positive), Secondary (positive)
: "Tab" | Fixed text alignment, spacing and auto width in tab component
All symbols: with (new) layer-styles settingsChanged
All symbols: with new text-styles settingsRemoved
All color symbols from SCHWARZ CAKE UI FundamentalRemoved
All shadow symbols from SCHWARZ CAKE UI Fundamental
- "Effect" | Browser focus: Example on dark background
- "Header" | Added behavior description for main-navigation and flyout (focus)
- "Effect" | Browser focus: Update description
- "Icon" | Changed symbols: with layer-style settings
- "Key visual" | Changed symbol: with layer-style settings
- "Table" | Changed symbol: with layer-style settings
- "Table" | Changed symbols and description: added optional background-color to "row head" and "table content"
- "Accordion" | Changed symbols: with layer-style settings
- "Alert" | Changed symbols: with layer-style settings
- "Badge" | Changed symbols: with layer-style settings
- "Banner" | Changed symbols to new smart layout of Sketch
- "Cookie Alert Extended" | Changed symbols: with layer-style settings
- "Bubble" | Changed symbols: with layer-style setting
- "Corner" | Changed symbols: with layer-style setting
- "Frame" | Changed symbols: with layer-style setting
- "Marker" | Changed symbols: with layer-style setting
- "Header" | Changed symbols: with layer-style settings
- "Pagination" | Changed symbols: with layer-style settings
- "Popover" | Changed symbols: with layer-style settings
- "Slider button" | Changed symbols: with layer-style settings
- "Sticky bar" | Changed symbols: with layer-style settings
- "Tab" | Changed symbols: with layer-style settings
- "Shadow" | Removed shadow symbol from SCHWARZ CAKE UI Fundamental
New text-styles: with alignment "left", "center", "right" for "Small", "Basic", "Large", "Display" & "Headline"Added
New text-styles: display 4-5Changed
New text-styles: set letter-spacing to 0.2px
- "Icons" | Added symbol: "interaction" (house)
- "Typography" | Added text-alignment left, center, right: Small, Basic, Large, Display, Headline (LG & MD-XS)
- "Typography" | Added text-style: display 4-5 (LG & MD-XS)
- "Typography" | Added description: display 4-5 (LG & MD-XS)
- "Alert" | Added description: line-height
- "Badge" | Added description: height
- "Table" | Changed description: overall styling for headlines
- "Typography" | Changed text-styles: set letter-spacing to 0.2px (LG & MD-XS)
- "Banner" | Changed symbols and description: set text-style for body-text from "basic" to "large" (LG)
- "Banner" | Changed symbols and description: set text-style for body-text from "shown" to "hidden" (SM & XS)
- "Button" | Changed symbols to new smart layout of Sketch
- "Card" | Changed symbols to new smart layout of Sketch
- "Bubble" | Changed symbol and description: horizontal spacing
- from "24px" to "16px" (LG)
- from "24px" to "8px" (MD-XS)
- "Bubble" | Changed symbol and description: size
- from "160 x 160px" to "144 x 144px" (LG)
- from "144 x 144px" to "112 x 112px" (MD-XS)
- "Bubble" | Changed symbol: naming
- "Corner" | Changed symbol: naming
- "Frame" | Changed symbol: naming
- "Marker" | Changed symbol and description: vertical spacing
- from "the text is always vertically centered" to "padding-top: 16px"
- "Marker" | Changed symbol and description: height
- from "40px" to "48px" (LG)
- from "36px" to "44px" (MD-XS)
- "Marker" | Changed symbol: naming
- "Color" | Removed all color symbols from SCHWARZ CAKE UI Fundamental
- "Bubble" | Removed symbols and description: small, large
- "Corner" | Removed symbols and description: small, large
- "Frame" | Removed symbols and description: small, large
- "Marker" | Removed symbols and description: small, large
- "Footer" | Fixed symbols: wrong smart layout and states
- "Tab" | Fixed symbol: wrong order and layer naming in complete symbol