8-pt Grid

Use increments of 8 to size and space out the elements on a page. This means that any defined height or width, margin or padding will be an increment of 8. Most popular screen sizes are divisible by 8 on at least one axis - usually both.

Why 8pts?#

  • The variety of screen sizes and pixel densities has continued to increase making the work of icon and image generation more complicated for designers.
  • The usage of an even number like 8 to size and space elements makes scaling for a wide variety of devices easy and consistent.
  • Devices that have a 1.5x resolution will have a hard time cleanly rendering an odd number.
  • Scaling 5px by 1.5x will result in a half pixel offset.
  • It fits the frontend values of rem (16px).

All our layout resolutions fulfill this requirement:


What is the value?#

Efficiency, less decisions to make while maintaining a quality rhythm between your elements.A perfect system of communication between designers and developers. A developer can easily identify an 8pt increment instead of having to measure each time.Consistent aesthetic to the brand they trust. No blurry half-pixel offsets on their preferred device.