Colors help to emphasize and highlight your brand's appearance.
Brand colors#
- The SCHWARZ brand colors communicate the personality of the brand.
Name | Values | Color |
base | HEX: #5F7DAA RGB: 95 / 125 / 170 | |
dark | HEX: #4B6487 RGB: 75 / 100 / 135 | |
darker | HEX: #3C506E RGB: 60 / 80 / 110 | |
darkest | HEX: #2D3C50 RGB: 45 / 60 / 80 |
Name | Values | Color |
base | HEX: #FFD746 RGB: 255 / 215 / 70 | |
dark | HEX: #E6B43C RGB: 230 / 180 / 60 | |
darker | HEX: #C8912D RGB: 200 / 145 / 45 | |
darkest | HEX: #AF6E00 RGB: 175 / 110 / 0 |
Additional colors#
- It stands for danger and shows an error or a malfunction.
- In the digital environment, red is only used to a reduced extent as an additional color.
Name | Values | Color |
base | HEX: #E3000F RGB: 277 / 0 / 15 | |
dark | HEX: #B5000C RGB: 181 / 0 / 12 | |
darker | HEX: #880009 RGB: 136 / 0 / 9 | |
darkest | HEX: #5A0006 RGB: 90 / 0 / 6 |
- In our case this color scheme indicates success.
Name | Values | Color |
base | HEX: #05A54B RGB: 5 / 165 / 75 | |
dark | HEX: #04843C RGB: 4 / 132 / 60 | |
darker | HEX: #03632D RGB: 3 / 99 / 45 | |
darkest | HEX: #02421E RGB: 2 / 66 / 30 |
- It isn't used very often.
- It offers a low contrast ratio to a light background in the digital department.
- It is used to display the status and character of messages.
- Especially the grayscale stands for different states.
- The background color is used exclusively for a page background.
- Colors for highest contrast.
Workflow in Sketch#
- If you want to change the color or turn it off, look into its symbols „Overrides“-function.
Change log#
: "Color" | Clean up the documentation for the right structure and sentence case
- "Color" | Removed all color symbols from SCHWARZ CAKE UI Fundamental